Robert Lloyd Toastmaster
9 Harbord Road, Norwich, NR4 7HJ, United KingdomWedding Suppliers - Toastmasters
Tel 07872 114235
About Robert Lloyd Toastmaster
Bob Lloyd
Professional Toastmaster and Master of Ceremonies
At your wedding I will:
Meet with you well in advance of the day to discuss arrangements
Arrive early on the day to liaise with the venue managament and caterers
Receive and direct guests for drinks and cloakrooms etc.
If the wedding ceremony is being held in the same venue, announce the bridal party into the ceremony and at the conclusion, introduce the new Mr & Mrs.....
Assist the photographer by calling guests for photographs
Call guests to dinner, orgainise the receiving line and if requested, introduce each guest by name
Announce the grand entrance of the Bride & Bridegroom and escort them to the top table
If required, say Grace or introduce a chosen guest to do so
Announce the cutting of the wedding cake
Introduce the principal guests who are to make the traditional speeches and toasts
Ensure that any gifts or bouquets the Bride & Bridegroom may wish to present are at hand
Respond to any special requests of the bridal party
Formally close the Wedding Breakfastin order for subsequent festivities to be prepared
Further duties may include ensuring the guest book is passed round and signed, arranging for the Bride to throw her bouquet to all the single ladies present and finally, announcing the newly weds first dance together as husband and wife
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